
Fall 2024 Programs

Please join us for the following programs which will be only  ZOOM due to financial challenges. Many thanks to those who donated in our recent fund-raising campaign.  We have been able to continue to serve the North Dallas community and beyond with exceptional, albeit remote, programming. We intend to have some in-person gatherings, so please watch your email or Facebook for those opportunities.  Not on our email list?  Please contact us at in order to request placement on our email list for programs and gathering opportunities.

September 13-14, 2024, Jennifer Selig, Ph.D

Jennifer Selig

Jennifer Leigh Selig, Ph.D is a lifelong educator with 35 years of classroom experience, teaching in the fields of literature, psychology, creativity studies, and the humanities. She taught at Pacifica Graduate Institute for many of those years where she was the founding chair of the Jungian and Archetypal Studies doctoral program. Her presentation is based on a chapter from her latest book, Deep Memoir: An Archetypal Approach to Deepen Your Story and Broaden Its Appeal.

September 13, 2024. 7:00 p.m.

A ZOOM ONLY PRESENTATION: Understanding Our Underworld Experiences: Seven Mythic Stages in the Journey Down Under

In all models of the journey archetype, one of the stages is the descent into the underworld, an initiation into the dark night of the soul. It’s an inevitable stage of life, one we enter many times over the course of a well-lived life. Jung certainly knew the underworld well, exploring it in his chapter “Confrontation with the Unconscious” in Memories, Dreams, Reflections.

This presentation explores the psychological topography of the underworld, and offers a map we can read to help us understand our journey. I will offer seven stages, seven “stations of the cross,” if you will, that we’re likely to visit during our time down under. I’ll introduce each stage with a myth, and then show how it manifests in our contemporary journeys. We’ll end with the more upbeat stage, “The Gifts of the Underworld.”

This presentation and Saturday’s workshop will provide a model that therapists and coaches can use with their clients; clergy; and lay ministers can use with their congregants, and friends and family can use with their beloveds in order to understand and support their underworld journey. It’s useful for creatives too—for example fiction and film writers can use it to imagine rich underworld journeys, songwriters can use it to create songs of the stages, and memoir writers can use it to name and frame their own time in the underworld. All of us can use it to more deeply understand, appreciate, and perhaps even elevate our time in the underworld.

Join us via Zoom for Dr. Selig’s presentation with audience questions on Friday, September 13, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

General Registration: $25.00

Follow this link to register

Registration Link

  • Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Student Registration: $10.00
    Email your name, email address, and school to
  • Continuing Education Credit
    We are offering 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for LCSW's, LPC’s, and LMFT’s. After registration, email for certificates of attendance.

A ZOOM ONLY WORKSHOP: Making Meaning From Our Underworld Experiences

September 14, 2024. 9:30 a.m.

In Saturday’s workshop, participants will begin by making a timeline of their lives and mapping their underworld journeys onto it. They will then choose one of their underworld journeys to more deeply explore. We’ll go through each of the seven stages again, and participants will write about their parallel experiences inside of each stage, looking at the structure of their underworld journey and mining their experience for meaning because, as Jung believed, “Meaning makes a great many things endurable—perhaps everything.”

Join us via Zoom for Dr. Selig’s presentation with audience questions on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time.

General Registration: $45.00

Follow this link to register

Registration Link

  • Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Student Registration: $10.00
    Email your name, email address, and school to
  • Continuing Education Credit
    We are offering 2.5 hours of continuing education credit for LCSW's, LPC’s, and LMFT’s. After registration, email for certificates of attendance.

October 11-12, 2024, Chelsea Wakefield, Ph.D

Chelsea Wakefield

Chelsea Wakefield LCSW, is an Associate Professor in the UAMS Department of Psychiatry, where she trains and supervises therapists and psychiatric residents to address the relational and sexual needs of couples in the 21st Century. She has been core faculty at The Haden Institute – a Jungian oriented training program – for 23 years and is a popular presenter at Jungian organizations. She also maintains a private practice working with couples and individuals interested in moving beyond the wounds of the past into a conscious growth process and is the creator of The Luminous Woman® Weekend – where women explore the power and potential of their archetypal depths and is the author of three books – Negotiating the Inner Peace Treaty – Becoming the Person You Were Born to Be; In Search of Aphrodite- Women, Archetypes, and Sex Therapy; and The Labyrinth of Love – the Path to a Soulful Relationship. You can learn more about her and various offerings from her website

October 11, 2024. 7:00 p.m.

A ZOOM ONLY PRESENTATION: Individuation in Connection – Relationship as a Path of Growth

Based on her recent book, The Labyrinth of Love, Dr. Chelsea Wakefield will introduce us to “The Roadmap of Relationships” a model that takes us along a developmental path, beginning with projection and enchantment, into disenchantment, and then an invitation at a fork in the road. We can power-struggle or withdraw, and experience a lot of hurt and despair, or we can begin a process of personal growth that will lead into conscious relationship. Dr. Wakefield will outline how six crucial Love Capacities need to be developed in order to move a couple beyond projections, need-meeting, attachment insecurities, or prescribed role fulfillment. This is an ongoing process, and we are all imperfect participants. She will describe common archetypal pairings, and interlocking complexes, which need to be examined and reworked. Co-creating a conscious relationship is based on a foundation of growth into wholeness. It leads to an experience of walking with a true soulmate.

CE Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to explain the relationship developmental process outlined in Wakefield’s Roadmap of Relationships.
  • Participants will be able to list and explain the Six Love Capacities
  • Participants will be able to define the terms projection, projective identification, and complex.

Join us via Zoom for Dr. Wakefield’s presentation with audience questions on Friday, October 11, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

General Registration: $25.00

Follow this link to register

Presentation Registration

  • Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Student Registration: $10.00
    Email your name, email address, and school to
  • Continuing Education Credit
    We are offering 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for LCSW's, LPC’s, and LMFT’s. After registration, email for certificates of attendance.

A ZOOM ONLY WORKSHOP: Relationship Shadow Work

October 12, 2024. 9:30 a.m.

During the Saturday workshop, we will learn about the formation of complexes that overshadow adult relationships. Looking thru an archetypal lens, we will identify the archetypal stances we move into in relationships and how we project various archetypal stances onto others. As we shift the story, and the casting of the characters, we can change the dynamics of a relationship. Examining a recent conflict, we will design an “exit ramp” off the conflict highway, allowing us to experience more rewarding (less distressing) relationships with intimate partners, friends, family, even work colleagues. We will practice a method of accessing inner resources which can be used to self-soothe and hold steady in the midst of challenging relationship encounters and resolve the unrealized longings of our hearts. Participants will receive a Love Capacity Quiz to take with them so that they can identify potential areas of personal growth in the creation of a conscious relationship.

CE Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to describe the nature of three early attachment complexes and how they develop.
  • Participants will be able to explain the experiential shift that takes place when you move away from the content of a conflict and look at the conflict thru the lens of archetypal stance.
  • Participants will be able to describe the process of creating an “exit ramp off the conflict highway.”
  • Participants will be able to list several resources that can be accessed during distressing situations and used to center and self-soothe.
  • Participants will be able to demonstrate how accessing the embodied “felt sense” of a memory shifts a person’s archetypal stance and worldview.

Join us via Zoom for Dr. Wakefield’s workshop with audience questions on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time.

General Registration: $45.00

Follow this link to register

Workshop Registration

  • Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Student Registration: $10.00
    Email your name, email address, and school to
  • Continuing Education Credit
    We are offering 2.5 hours of continuing education credit for LCSW's, LPC’s, and LMFT’s. After registration, email for certificates of attendance.

November 8-9, 2024, Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson, Ph.D

Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson

Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson, Ph.D faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute, has been a professional writer and editor for more than 40 years. Dr. Nelson’s books include Psyche’s Knife (Chiron, 2012), The Art of Inquiry (Spring, 2017), coauthored with Joseph Coppin, and The Art of Jungian Couple Therapy, coauthored with Anthony Delmedico (Routledge, 2025).

November 8, 2024. 7:00 p.m.

A ZOOM ONLY PRESENTATION: The Daimon in the Work

Jung’s theory of individuation (CW 17) and its archetypal elaboration by James Hillman in The Soul’s Code, draw heavily from the Greek classical idea that each person is born with a guiding spirit, a genius or daimon. The daimon’s role is to silently guide us toward our purpose. This presentation takes the idea one step further: in an ensouled world, creative works also have a soul and a purpose. The task of the writer is to discover the daimon in the work through attuning to the image already present on the page and, following Jung, elaborating and shaping it into a finished composition (CW 15, p. 82). Only then is creative process a true psychological partnership in the deepest sense.

Join us via Zoom for Dr. Nelson’s presentation with audience questions on Friday, November 8, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

General Registration: $25.00

Follow this link to register

Registration Link

  • Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Student Registration: $10.00
    Email your name, email address, and school to
  • Continuing Education Credit
    We are offering 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for LCSW's, LPC’s, and LMFT’s. After registration, email for certificates of attendance.

A ZOOM ONLY WORKSHOP: Discovering the Daimon in the Work

November 9, 2024. 9:30 a.m.

The workshop begins with stories from the presenter’s own writing, and the writing of her graduate students and clients, as examples of finding the daimon in the work. Guided exercises follow in which participants examine their writing to recognize unconscious imagery lurking in metaphor and simile and coaxing it into fuller form.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the classical origins of Jung’s theory of individuation and its elaboration by Hillman
  • Learn key elements of deep, psyche-centered writing
  • Learn how to work with archetypal images on the page to discover the daimon in one’s own creative writing

Join us via Zoom for Dr. Nelson’s workshop with audience questions on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time.

General Registration: $45.00

Follow this link to register

Registration Link

  • Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Student Registration: $10.00
    Email your name, email address, and school to
  • Continuing Education Credit
    We are offering 2.5 hours of continuing education credit for LCSW's, LPC’s, and LMFT’s. After registration, email for certificates of attendance.